About us


You’re Welcome to Men’s Central Blog!

Men’s Central is an online blog for men who long for answers to their numerous inner struggles and dilemmas.  We are committed to delivering high-quality content aimed at helping men gain a better insight about their health and well-being.

We want to have serious conversations with men on the burden of masculinity. Some pundits erroneously believe that since ours is a patriarchal society, men do not face obstacles. According to this myth, patriarchy is supportive of their own. But, this is untrue because patriarchy merely serves to advance the impossible ideal of toxic masculinity, with set of crippling norms and expectations that emasculate men, isolating them from their own emotions and pushing them to self-destruct.

Men under patriarchy are under immense pressure to sustain a narrow notion of masculinity which urges them prove their manhood and pursue a highly performative masculinity which is so damaging and make them give up their individuality and happiness.

The pressure to “man up” prevents men from being open about their pains and issues. Men go through life hiding their vulnerabilities, pretending to be tough while dying on the inside.  Without a socially acceptable channel to expressing their emotions, most men are emotionally imprisoned and have turned to unhealthy coping techniques, including substance abuse and workaholism.

Beyond the difficulty of expressing his emotion, he also encounters arduous walls in finding a safe places where he be naked without being judged.

At menscentral.net we encourage men to be open about their weaknesses and wounds, supporting them in their vulnerability, helping them to find their feet, and strengthening them as they move out into the world again.

Our goal is to explore the world of men. We want to interrogate issues related to crisis of masculinity in a provocative yet educating and entertaining way, addressing the issues and concerns that are most important to men’s lives.

We’ll write about a variety of topics such as fatherhood, family, health, relationships, religion, sports, politics, sex, ethics, ageing, finance, technology, and more. We will do this without judging or demeaning our audience.

At menscentral.net, our content will represent men’s multidimensional nature—men are sometimes hilarious and serious, childish and yet thoughtful.

Menscentral.net aspires to create a community that is positive, smart, intentional, empathetic, passionate, and open-minded; we shall be using this platform to challenge men to be wonderful fathers and husbands, good citizens and friends, who live by example at home and at work, and take their position as good men in a changing world.

Join us!

We welcome like-minded men and women to join the conversation by sending in articles focusing on our aforementioned themes. Participating in the conversation gives you the opportunity to express your thoughts more precisely. It will also help to increase your visibility and support our efforts promoting positive change in our community and the globe at large.

Welcome—and Live Awesome!



This website is intended for your enjoyment and information.

The articles on Men’s Central is based on peer-reviewed research from reputable sources. We hope to make it an informative and inspiring source for men as they pursue a happy, well-balanced fulfilling life.

The contents in our blog are for informational purposes only. It does not constitute and should not be relied on for professional  advice.

Although every effort has been made to provide readers with the most accurate information,  please note that  readers are using the information on this site is solely at your own risk.

If you ever incur any loss, inconvenience, or injury as a result of or while using the material in this blog, Men’s Central Blog is released, relieved, indemnified and forever discharged from any and all liability whatsoever.

Please always consult a professional.


Men’s Central Blog is not required to formally acknowledge every change that has been made and may continue to update older posts on a regular basis.